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Artificial Pastries

Use out artificial pastries to merchandise your displays. They are authentic in appearance and brightly coloured. Therefore they will engage your audience.

Our artificial pastries are primarily made from closed cell polyurethane. Therefore they won’t discolour or deteriorate after several days exposure. There will be no odours and no vermin to concern you.

Use them for maximum appeal to merchandise themes around entertaining and dining. High Teas, parties, baking and cake decorating can all benefit from the use of our Pastries.

Want to improve your displays? Showrooms, exhibitions and in-store displays will never look better than when they are merchandised with our Pastries. Their colour and aesthetic will compel your target audience to stop and look.

Consumers become store blind by product driven displays. Looking at an empty cake stand won’t capture the imagination of your audience. Merchandising it with cakes or pastries will not only stop your audience, it will engage them.

Use our artificial pastries in kindy and at home as play food for children.


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