Fruit bouquets using artificial fruit are a great decorative piece you can use in your own home or as a gift. This is what you will need.
Nothing creates a spike in retail sales like an event. Halloween is a great theme for retail engagement. You can’t get the same level of engagement from online shopping unless you use quality visual merchandising in store. Here are some great ideas to complement your in-store displays at Halloween.
Slow moving inventory can be a drain on a business’s cash flow. Some business managers are determined to weather the slow turn over and hope the merchandise will sell at a profit, even at a trickle. The smart money is in being decisive and cutting your losses. Move the stock on, get your money back at cost (or near) and put the money into something that does sell. If you are able to turnover the same stock 4 times a year, you will double the profit on the stock at the same value that turns over twice a year.
When sales growth plateaus, a good method of exploring new sales opportunities is through using visual merchandising that can be sold. While VM is most often used to complement and decorate merchandise, selling the decorative pieces allows you to ascertain whether there is a market for the product.
As retailers encounter greater competition or a slow down in sales, it is important they look at the foot traffic in and around their store. Are they passing or engaged? An engaged customer is more likely to spend money. The passive customer is more likely to move on without making a purchase. So how do you engage customers?